The following message landed in inboxes this week and it’s our chance to share our priorities for the PPS budget. Please consider suggesting that the district protect teaching positions and keep class sizes as small as possible – as well as setting policy that neighborhood schools with more than one district special education class have an additional administrator.

Message from PPS:
Are you interested in learning more about the PPS budget and providing your feedback? The Budget Info Session is a great opportunity for you to learn more about PPS funds, the Board goals, the district’s strategic plan and targeted investments, and to provide feedback! 

Because we have limited resources, your feedback, along with that of others will help inform investment planning over the next few years including preparing for the Oregon Department of Education’s Aligning for Student Success initiative. Please see the link to the survey and other helpful materials below. Thank you for your time.

Check out the video presentation here: CLICK HERE (Includes ASL)
Fill out the budget survey: CLICK HERE 
Use this list of investment descriptions to help you with the survey: CLICK HERE
Contact Jordan Cooper with any questions pertaining to the survey by emailing