Hello Hayhurst Families!
This is your friendly neighborhood TAG Coordinator, Jade Stoffan, with two TAG (Talented and Gifted) announcements. 

1. We will have a Hayhurst TAG Family Night on Wednesday, October 26th from 6:30 – 7:30. The meeting will be virtual via GoogleMeet. You can access it via this link – https://meet.google.com/btz-ymju-iqw?pli=1
2. Applications for TAG are now open to all families (grades K+) from now until November 29th. You can find more information along with the form here. **If your student is already TAG they do not need to reapply unless it’s in a different area – reading, math, intellectual.**
If you’d like to learn more about TAG at Hayhurst please visit our Hayhurst TAG Virtual Bulletin Board  and/or attend the Family Night. I am also available via email (jstoffan1@pps.net) if you have more personalized questions. 
