BOYS’ YOUTH LACROSSE New Player Introduction Clinic

Rieke Elementary School 1405 S Vermont St  Come give this emerging sport a try! New parents and players, grades 1-8, are invited to our New Player Clinic. All equipment provided. Dress for weather and running. Go to for club

Parenting for Social Justice Book Study March Meeting

Every first Wednesday, Starting February 9, 2022. Do you want to teach your kids about social justice but don't know where to start?  Have you ever avoided a difficult conversation with your child because you weren't sure what to say?  Have you ever stumbled over your words or wished you had a better response to […]

PTA Meeting March 2022

Please join us. The meeting will be held online. Details announced via the school email newsletter. All are welcome to attend and participate in the conversation; only PTA members can vote. Board and leadership meeting 6-6:30. Learn more about the PTA and join, here.

April Garden Work Party

Hayhurst Garden

Meet in the school garden. Bring gloves, pruning tools, weeding tools for light-medium duty clean-up jobs. Kids welcome, snacks provided! We'll be weeding, digging out young blackberry vines along the slope, and finishing up our clean-up along the parking lot wall.

Parenting for Social Justice Book Study April Meeting

Every first Wednesday, Starting February 9, 2022. Do you want to teach your kids about social justice but don't know where to start?  Have you ever avoided a difficult conversation with your child because you weren't sure what to say?  Have you ever stumbled over your words or wished you had a better response to […]

PTA Meeting April 2022

Please join us. The meeting will be held online. Details announced via the school email newsletter. All are welcome to attend and participate in the conversation; only PTA members can vote. Board and leadership meeting 6-6:30. Learn more about the PTA and join, here.

First Meeting of the Hayhurst Foundation

Old Market Pub 6959 SW Multnomah Blvd, Portland, Oregon, United States

Help Fundraise for Staffing at the School Our school is now set up as an affiliated foundation with the Fund for PPS. This allows us to actively fundraise for staffing at Hayhurst Elementary, which we couldn't otherwise do. Please join our first foundation meeting on Wednesday, April 13 at 4 PM at Old Market Pub […]

Little Library Dedication on SW Iowa and SW Pendleton

ALL ARE WELCOME Come meet Timber Joey and celebrate the opening of new little libraries that hecustom built & painted for our RGMS community! Thanks to Positive Charge!PDX's Compassion Through Literature project, 4 new little libraries in our SWcommunity will be stocked with books focusing on diversity and inclusion! When: Wednesday, May 4th from 2:15-3:00 […]